Off to a couple job interviews in LA next week.
I promise that I will never become a Lakers fan.
I was always a hater, in the sense that I hated people who were successful, people who were happy, people who have it easy and have it made. Of course there are as many, well, probably more, unhappy etc people in the Los Angeles area, but it was that very hater in me that always assumed I'd hate LA. Sunny weather, presumably attractive people, simultaneous proximity to ocean/desert/mountains/forest, and generally just being American shorthand for the opposite of the Serious, Moody, Dark midwesterner I'd always seen myself as, perpetually digging myself out from snowbanks , dodging tornadoes, doling sage advice and directions to clueless strangers. LA was the d-bag at the party in the sunglasses even though it's dark who wants to do coke with your girlfriend. I saw myself as the guy who had to clean up the next morning.

That was stupid. At some point in my life, I learned that I could stop beating my head against the wall and enjoy myself every once in awhile. (Coke and hitting on people's girlfriends are still lame. Coke Zero, tangentially, is the best.) I know I'm not heading off to golden age hollywood or Ventura Highway by America, that my life there will be like my life here, just with more sunshine, traffic, and possibly cheaper produce. But I like it that I'm off to live somewhere I never would have as the know-it-all hater I used to be.
It'll be an interesting experiment. I considered it myself after college.
But...San Francisco is just 7 hours north! Keep going!
I did manage to clock at least 4 hours a day in traffic when I was out interviewing, but whatever.
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