Wednesday, January 28, 2009

real quickly folks

I love hockey, but next time you hear an NHL announcer or other sports knowitall talk about the higher moral standing in the world of ice hockey compared to those of football (a league which, by the way when you consider the allegedly high amount of surrounding criminality, employs almost 2000 young men to beat the shit out of one another) and basketball (thugs! rapscallions! tattooed cornrowed ragamuffins!) remember this.

A highlight?

Conboy punched and threw Kampfer to the ice and Tropp came in and struck
Kampfer across the head with his stick.

I've always enjoyed hockey fights and all that, but I am really starting to reconsider that. The game is exciting enough as it is without people endangering one another's lives.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Borat's Cousin Makes Correction

A popular researcher (and yes a relation to Sasha Baron-Cohen) corrects a major publication for overblowing and distorting his research. Great success!

I don't really have an option about Dr. Baron-Cohen's research and writing in general, but I find it thought-provoking (for example, he's made the argument that recent changes in education and labor make it easier for individuals on the spectrum to make sexy time-- dunno if I agree or disagree but I like seeing someone I think of as a lab scientist thinking about larger social patterns), and it's cool to see someone take an active role in moderating how their research is perceived in the popular press. He's already well-established and all, and I wouldn't begrudge a less-established researcher enjoying whatever attention they get, but, still.

Hey, I was hibernating the last few months. Did I miss anything?